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Tuskegee University

Tuskegee University

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Tuskegee University is an independent and state-related institution of higher education. Its programs serve a student body that is coeducational as well as racially, ethnically and religiously diverse. With a strong orientation toward disciplines which highlight the relationship between education and work force preparation in the sciences, professions and technical areas, Tuskegee University also emphasizes the importance of the liberal arts as a foundation for successful careers in all areas. Accordingly, all academic majors stress the mastery of a required core of liberal arts courses.


Tuskegee University is located in Tuskegee, Alabama, which is 40 miles east of the Alabama State Capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, and 20 miles west of the city of Auburn, Alabama. It is also within easy driving distance to the cities of Birmingham, Alabama and Atlanta, Georgia.

The academic programs are organized into five colleges and three schools: (1) the College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences; (2) the College of Arts and Sciences; (3) the Andrew F. Brimmer College of Business and Information Science; (4) the College of Engineering; (5) the College of Veterinary Medicine; (6) the Robert R. Taylor School of Architecture and Construction Science; (7) the School of Education; and (8) the School of Nursing and Allied Health. The curricula for these colleges and schools currently offer over 50 degrees including 39 Bachelor's, 13 Master's, 2 Doctor's of Philosophy: one in Materials Science and Engineering, and one in Integrative BioSciences, and the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine.

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